Farm Fresh Spring Salad
As our first spring greens are harvested, Jordan and the children always request that I serve our “all time favorite” salad dressing. This recipe is passed down from my talented Mother-in-law. She started our family tradition of topping the first garden lettuce of the season with this light creamy sauce.
This combination of simple foods makes it easy for you to source your ingredients local and organic.
Place the ingredients in a pint jar:
1/3 cup of cream (remember you can ladle cream off the top of your raw milk)
1/2 cup of sugar ( you may use less if you wish )
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp vinegar (I like to use apple cider vinegar)
2 tbsp mayonaise (you may use your homemade mayo)
Mix well with a whisk or an immersion blender. Drizzle over fresh greens and Enjoy!
Creativity Notes:
When I make this seasonal salad I use greens and vegetables or herbs that our farm is producing at the time. For me, the satisfaction factor of the dish I’m creating is always greater the more homegrown, foraged and locally sourced ingredients I’ve included. Go ahead and use what you have grown in your garden!
I always start with a base of greens. Spinach, lettuce mix, or butterhead lettuce are our favorites.
Then I add the vegetables which may include sliced radish, spring carrots, cucumbers, asparagus or peas. Rough chopped hard boiled eggs add two new color dimensions and a interest factor, as does crispy fried bacon.
I always like to top my salad with herbs. Chives, parsley, or mint, are good choices and my favorite is a few fresh springs of dill. You also may add fresh dill to your creamy dressing!